Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Behind the Scenes with BSR DJs

Imagine what every BSR DJ goes through…Yes, they are on point when they broadcast. Yes, they seem to have everything together. They are performers, this is what they do. BUT, have you ever thought about or imagined what they are like behind the scenes, the visions they have, the amount of time they put into making the perfect broadcast. The troubleshooting they have to go through prior to the day of the cast or cast recording. I imagine it must be rough some days, yet they persevere. Between day jobs, husbands, wifes, kids, and significant others that require assuaging, placating, and caring for. Personally and professionally the organization and execution of time, timeslots, and ideas. Talk about juggling (said while breathing a heavy sigh). Plus they have to have some time and fun for themselves. We all know how burnout can be a bit of a female dog n stuff. How do they do it, wouldn’t you like to know? I know I would like to know. I also want to know why they got into the business to begin with and what keeps them there. Over the next few weeks I will be speaking with them to see if I can discover some of the answers to these questions and I hope you’ll stay tuned, but for now I’d like to share with you how they make ME feel…

When I listen to the female empowerment sounds of Marjorie Dibou & Nisa Constantine I think wow how rich and historical…I feel proud to be a black woman. These two women symbolize to me what it means to be lively, rich in diversity, and knowledgeable about one’s craft to the point of expertise. YeSuh! These women know how to move a crowd! Not just with music, although they can do this exceedingly well. But chile lemme tell yah, they fill my days and nights with what’s goin on in the world today and advice on just about any and every topic. With them I get my fill of news, gossip, fashion, food, new artist reviews, classic bests (Nina Simone is a classic best!...Marj ended her set with Nina Simone on yesterday) and let’s not forget the time they allow for us to submit our requests…absolutely amazing. They make me feel like the cast is not just about them, but is about me too…listening to them is like sitting in a kitchen recalling old memories while planning new ones. Warm, yet always Inspirational. DJ Honey of Honey 103 makes me feel this too (

When I listen to the men of BSR, with Miles I get smooth mellow jazz that mixes perfectly with end of the day cup of cocoa…DeeJay Clyde is my clever, witty entertainment/big event,future gospel-sets on Sunday guru. DeeJay Clyde is what you call a mixologist extraordinaire. Through DeeJay Clydes broadcasts and mixes; hearts are reached, souls are touched, minds are opened, laughter spills forth like red wine on white carpet (you know once red wine is on white carpet, it is there forever)and lets not forget, the man’s mixing is like a box of chocolates, very sweet yet surprise’s are just all over the place...Dr. Kewl is my throwback, custard thick, yet sweet and mellow. Music from Dr. Kewl is like juice spilt from a piece of ripe fruit after a fresh bite . You know the kind of fruits that require a bite and are filled with nectar, the ones that make you salivate—least this is how he is to me. Even in his house music, I can just feel the intellect and sensuality that pours out from Dr. Kewl’s brain into his mixes. (said while recalling last nights podcast OR

hmm…this is my story, but soon…we will get to hear theirs…in the meantime check em out, see what kinna things they make you feel. I promise you’ll be pleasantly surprised n stuff… OR 24/7

Keep in mind, all of life’s feelings are predominately based upon two things: experience & reflection….tune is so you can experience the DJ and then spend time reflecting on the experience… ttys :)

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