Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Living the Life of an Alt

I don't think there's anything wrong with being an alt, I just say its not for me. I've had people suggest it, ask me what I think about it but no one has asked have I ever been one. And if they did I would say, yes I have been one but its not anything I’d like to talk about. To the suggestion of creating one I have always said the same thing. Personally living the life of an alt is not for me. I'm not very good at deceiving people for the wrong reasons. I’m not very good at pretending to be something other than what and who I am. This takes energy, its fatiguing--least for me it is lol

I'm not saying I haven’t ever deceived anyone--who hasn’t. But when I've had to do so, even when it has been for the right reasons--it has really, really troubled me. I also think if you do it as a favor and if it meant more to the person you did it for to keep it to yourself than it did for you....then that's not a bad thing either. Imagine how much pressure it is for somebody not to be able to be themselves. I also think about the pressure felt when one av is treated more differently than another av. This to me is akin to segregation and also about making decisions based on conscious, foresight, hindsight and backbone. RL values that I believe should transfer from the RL person to their av.

Keeping secrets is some heavy stuff, yes they can be throwing a surprise party or not revealing the plan of but when it comes to the point keeping a secret where you know others would be harmed or hurt by the outcome then there is a genuine sense of struggle with oneself... it can be very burdensome. Which is why I dont have the time, energy, or inclination to be an alt living more than one life. Always been honest about this. Hard for me to say I like something when I don’t like it…lol…hard for me to pretend to be something that I’m not. Easy for me to learn from mistakes, this is something I really like about myself. This and being unselfish.Oh...and using the word "cool" *big smile*

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Twitter Tweets

Tweet peeper, Tweet tweeter, retweeter, lemme say what I see…that cute tiny tweet box just too small for me…got so much to say…come from that space over there where we get at least 5 more lines for us to insert stuff dat be sittin on our minds. I werkin on expresin myself in shorter clips but mayun that stuff hard for me between valleys and dips. My days be so long so much on pages that I be wantin to see, folks Id like to connect with…say “come over here, sit by me”. The stuff be so cool but man that update list be movin real real fast. I be trynta read, think and still get my tweet on… but fore I can finish my thawt 53 more tweets done went by and are gone.

Shoo its like the playoffs in there, thank God for retweets…makes tweetin time so much less AND the tweet I retweet be a similar thought I be trynna express. But its all done in fun it’s a cool place to chill and a fun place to share… so much for reading newspapers cuz the news all up in there. I see sports, news, music, jive talk, quotes so sincere, original comments and love talk, whats on tv and whos drinkin what kinna beer. The poetry is cool, the jokes and people make me laugh and smile… love tweets bout what they eating cuz it make me think gee I aint ate summa that in a long long while…

I read first before I follow cuz if u aint tweeted since 1993 you just a space bein wasted in my list cuz I here to identify with, share, laugh and learn...on today, right now, this here minute...agree & feel me? Don’t too much follow lots of folks, cuz it clutters your list & slows up your time considerably. I still say as I did one day very long ago, wonder why they use the title friend for folks you aint even had the chance to know. Lotta dem folks may never ever meet, but they write out good stuff and on this I can guarantee. Insert your thought and keep movin peep, retweet and move on like a boss…cuz if you don’t good stuff can very quickly go unnoticed, pass by or get lost.

Post, post…read, read, read clicking page to page all around… all of a sudden a retweet n its like wow lemme go see who wrote that down...I be searchin to find new thought stimulating pieces, least this how I be…lemme check my lists 2 see if I follow them and if they is followin me. I peep comments bout stalkers which made me pause and think hard…wow, wonder where they minds at and if they get what they sayin or can hear how they sound...reality is folks inside they house scrollin and clickin, they aint out nowhere drivin round. Some cant tweet on they phone. Readin bout all they can do, …be wantin to say fool wutchu thinkin you out here on the internet *smh*thawt you knew. Or don't you know? Is they sittin outside your house?...take a peep and if so, pick up the phone and call 911, take that route it works…of this I am real certain & can say "fasho"

… Maybe one day I’ll reach baller status on this tweet thing we shall see, cuz that tweetin take lotsa skill & big bouts of energy. Some of us is thinkin and saying the exact same durn things, same ideas...which to me I think is sweet. Saves me time from doin all that tweetin so I can sit back peep, smile, laugh & then retweet. Guess this makes me a tweet peeper, retweeter a role I find that’s cool and plain… I follow the rule, pick your role and stay the hell on in your lane. Switchin lanes always has the potential to cause an accident specially when you movin fast even online out here you see…peepin and retweetin on twitter is what I find works best for me. Yeah, yeah, yeah…some days I do tweet my own stuff, this here is true…but tweeting promotions is easy… tweetin my own tweets is what’s still hard and yet brand new.

My goal identification not imitation nor clonization. Besides, it’s cool being just me. Very cool!

My favorite people to follow: BlackSoulRhythms, Sungoddess, NisaConstantine, DeejayClyde, Mikaboo1, Swervenish, DJ Honey, DrKewl

My favorite list: BlackSoulRhythms

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Martin Luther King and the Internet

I sat here today and I said to myself, Martin Luther King marched so that I could have wealth. So that I could be educated and have a degree, not be discriminated against but feel love and walk free. That I could pour out my thoughts and yet stand unashamed, that I could follow my dreams and author books with my name.

King said. “Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws [people] in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them.” Sometimes I sit and think, gee wish I could have talked to him.Discrimination now includes anything and everything, even and especially online users like me. The difference is that the internet highways we travel are faster than a bus, and we get to travel for free. King opened the door and gave me the means, so I could stand unashamed and declare “I too have a dream”.

Where we once fought for access to and equality as sister and brother, now the fight is for privacy and the privilege to block one another. There used to be a time when we would pick up the phone so we could dialogue with a voice… now we shoot emails, chat online, use internet phone services, text and leave messages cause for some it's the thing to do and for some there is no other offered choice. Caller ID is the rule and voicemail is its twin. This is what we’ve become. It’s the world we live in. Folks still like to say hey…be well… keep in touch, we still like to connect….just not too close or too much.

It tickles me to know King said “This is a road over which millions…are travelling to find a new sense of dignity. This same road has opened for all Americans a new era of progress and hope. It has led to a new Civil Rights Bill, and it will, I am convinced, be widened and lengthened into a super highway of justice as Negro and white men in increasing numbers create alliances to overcome their common problems.”

This is us on the super highway called the internet, we just don’t have a Civil Rights Bill written for us…as of yet. The statement was so clear so real and so true…it amazes me to think, wow! I wonder how he knew. I imagine Martin must say, lol, ^5, woohoo!..this sound 2 legit. America has come along way since I passed, yet they still *smh* just do not seem to get it.

Something that was initially built for exposure has become something to hide behind. What was once stated “stand up and be accountable” has become … create an alt or another account to make sure no one follow you. What was once “come find me and my info here”, has become “don’t get caught or be fount out”. smh, we still running about in fear...all day every day. Outside in public places and while we online inside our own private spaces.We’ve progressed through ways to kill on land skies and sea.

But there’s this new thing we warring, how many ways can I think of to wound your spirit or cause you death virtually. Let us not forget the biggest talk over the past year, why should they go to Vegas or other casino, they can come gamble up in here.BUT just keep on walking people (this means both you AND me), stay the course… trials of any sort can bring sight to the blind. Troubles don't always last and do pass in due time. So I say to him now, your efforts were not in vain. For here I sit, educated and able to navigate through facebook, twitter and other sites on my phone, in a first class seat on my very own plane.

”Dare I not march the internet paths with my mind and my fingers for grandbabies to see...once upon a time this was King marching and the grandbaby was me. ~FC