Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Waka Waka written by Shakira & John Hill (borrowing the chorus from Zangaléwa) - "If you fall...get up [soldier] " 2010 World Cup Performance

You're a good soldier...Choosing your battles... Pick yourself up...dust yourself off
Get back in the saddle...You're on the front line...Everyone's watching...You know it's serious...We're getting closer...This isn't over

The pressure's on...You feel it...But you've got it all...Believe it

When you're down get up...Oh oh...If you fall get eh...Tsamina mina Zangalewa... Cuz this is Africa... Tsamina mina eh eh Waka Waka eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa Cuz this is Africa

Listen to your God...This is our motto...Your time to shine...Don't wait in line...Y vamos por Todo...People are raising...Their expectations...Go on and feed them...This is your moment...No hesitations

Today's your day...I feel it...You paved the way...Believe it

If you get down...Get up, Oh oh...When you get down...Get up eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa....Cuz this is Africa...Tsamina mina eh eh...Waka Waka eh eh
...Tsamina mina zangalewa...Anawa a a...Tsamina mina eh eh...Waka Waka eh eh...Tsamina mina zangalewa...This time for Africa

Poetry by Floetry

It is my can ye state love when ye are yet unwise and unable to discern that which is foolish from that which is truth. Effort is not requisite of Love, but Trust. Thus then is not Trust the greater of the two. When breached is it not the agent which sets apart.

What say you? Is this not clear?

God chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. It is God's testimony that our faith should not rest in the wisdom of a man’s words but his Power. And if we place not unwavering faith in God's Power, is our trust not thereby lacking also and thus our efforts to please him? And if our efforts in pleasing God are lacking, then why is it not understandable we are yet unwise and unable to discern that which is foolish from that which is truth.

Both his and our own.

Dare we not be willing to do what is pleasing to God, yet expect him to deliver that which we believe would be pleasing to us.

How foolish and unwise is that?

"It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err." ~ Mahatma Gandh

Friday, August 13, 2010

Some of The People I Love To See Tweet and Why Part I

Bipolarboo She inspires me, she has so many sides to her...she's raw, funny, classy, intelligent, spicy, talented, up-front, an original in every sense of the word. She's graceful, poetic and direct. She makes no apologies for who she is and she can/will rock a trending topic, even if she's rocking it all by herself...She doesn't go with the crowd...she does her own thing, in her own way and on her own terms...My admiration of this woman is endless. She's an amazing author/blogger...I enjoy reading her blog and tweets...they have always given me ideas and insight... Chestaydroppingjewels, this is so true... The Bipolar Experience She is a diva in every sense of the word.

Kris Yeager His mind is intense and multifaceted. He understands the art of systems thinking. I love that me all things have the potential to become art, but you have to be a heavy critical thinker to get this. He's creative and unselfish, and if you have not heard his are truly missing out. Here's his other site...guess what's there? MORE MUSIC lol... I love his work, I love his music and I love his tweets.

Reward_Mall His tweets are hilarious and his photographs are some of the clearest I've ever seen. He likes Chris Botti and is an amazing cook. He too is multi-faceted. He is always growing and preparing something lol...and he tweets fast, yet he is concious about what he tweets. With him I have so much fun...His tweets have always made me smile and laugh. ALWAYS

Mllyssa This is my girl!!! LOL I can't begin to tell you how many late night hours she has kept me company...times when I couldn't sleep, we have often spent hours together tweeting back and forth......Me, Mllyssa , Reward_Mall, Dahara, Artweestic, Nobody trying to gain anything...just tweeting...tweeting just to be tweeting lol Mllyssa is into photography and art...

Dahara and Artweestic are beautiful tweeters who tweet quotes and small groups of people at a time...they decorate their tweets and make them real crute...Artweestic is an artist and it shows in her tweets...Dahara and Artweestic have both inspired me on many occasion with a special quote or comment that reached the very core of my spirit... deep, deep within the midnight hour. mlomb and msjourney have done this too...

Some Of The People I Love to See Tweet and Why Part II

Lcuddles228 is someone I care about very deeply, Cuddles knows what it means to be there for somebody...she stands by her values like a tree. She is so compassion filled and dependable, she sees tasks through from conception to finish. She is hardworking, unafraid to be herself, and knows how to make people smile. I admire that about her. I've seen her artistic expressions, they are some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen...she is the very first person to ever tweet back and forth with me about a topic on twitter. This was before I even knew what a hashtag was...we tweeted about the traits we liked in a hashtag, no fluff, no agenda...just two tweeps passing time...One time she tweeted a pic of a guy on the bus who had slightly wet himself...smh, I almost spit up my drink lol

Mikaboo1 is funny and real and realistic...Mika tweets who and what she likes, DJ_Nisa and I_Popped_Ur_Bra are like that too, I love that about them. Lcuddles228, Mikaboo1, I_Popped_Ur_Bra and DJ_Nisa are four of the most natural, pure-hearted tweeters that I know...they say whats on their minds and hearts daily. I have seen Nisa, Mika and Cuddles tweet great info, excellent quotes, and cool ideas for something to listen too, food and they always remind me to put on my pot of coffee lol. I_Popped_Ur_Bra is and has always been up on the he's quite the romantic and truth-be told every once in a while he will drop an absolute mind-blowing tweet that will make you stop and think about a few things.

Joey Giggles is one of the hardest working men on twitter that I know...I think what he and Lele647 are doing is a good thing. Joey is an innovator and an entreprenuer...he is also an awesome writer, blogger and social network designer...I like that Joey gathers people together for causes and is on multiple networks. I think his fight to raise RSD awareness is to be commended.Joey sometimes likes tweeting jokes and random thoughts that I sometimes have a hard time catching lol...but his screams are hilarious...oh yeah...He really is influential and he's a good tweep.

Food Create is a cool tweep who has great recipes to share...I like that her recipes are easy to read and understand, plus alot of them contain fruit lol...I like fruit. She has also given me some great info and quotes. I remember when we first started tweeting each other...her tweets always made me laugh and smile...and they came fast, like lightening...I love that. I like that she always says thank you and adds a smile to her tweets.

TeamSkype, TeamBlip Brijh , Stan2000 , pb83 , JustJeree
DinkyShop , Jaye_h, dederents, electricgamer , enrich my timeline with everything from A-Z...I have learned some of eveything from these tweeps...they have made me laugh, given me info, taught me how to blip, they help me keep up with what's on tv, and shared some phenomenal advice.

NurseMom90 is just a joy and an inspiration to be around...and she gives out the best (((HUGS))) she seems to know when I need one, I'm not exactly sure...but they are always...right on time.

Every now and then...I think it will help me to do a post such as this...not because these tweeps need exposure, but because I need to retain my own sense of realities...

Twitter Introspect Part I

For two years I have been involved in online social networking. I believe I am signed up at about 50 different social networks if not more...I have seen many things online. I have had bad experiences and good ones. I have had scary experiences and joyful ones. I gravitate towards people who have a style all their own...I looove that. I'm not really the type of person to do something just because someone else does it to see if it will work for me also. But every now and then I admit, I will. Who isn't like this from time to time. Most of the time, I watch...I pay very close attention to what is and isn't happening or what is and isn't being said. I also keep the thought in my mind that if I can tell when a person is/is not being sincere...surely others can detect when I am/am not being sincere also. And its ok...sometimes I have had moments when I was not being sincere...who hasn't. Sometimes I do and say things to feel a situation out...who doesn't.

I do this because I realize that there may be times in life when I have come to a conclusion that was not accurate and/or for whatever reason changed with the passing of time. This happens. This is life. We live and we learn. But,one thing I don't do or try not to do is plot. Not saying I have never done it before in my life...but it's just not something I care for. Definition of plot: a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose, esp. a hostile, unlawful, or [unsavory] purpose ~ It's been my experience in life that 1. most plots backfire... 2. plotting is mostly carried out at moments of insecurity... 3. plotting is something unhappy people's very unhealthy...I don't too much believe in taking shortcuts, yes it saves time but sometimes you dont really learn as much as you would have if you took the longer route. 4. plotting eventually wears thin or people get caught up in it... 5. My mind is just not wired like that...Several blogs ago, I spoke about foresight, hindsight, concious and backbone...ironically this stemmed from something I tweeted and posted on facebook and other networks...

Few weeks ago I noticed something on twitter that did not seem/feel for the past two weeks I have done some things on twitter to feel that situation out - not bad things or anything to hurt anyone but I had a feeling about something and I wanted to see if a truth would come out and it has...well some of it anyways...Throughout this time I have sat back and watched. I am still sitting back watching from time to time...just not too much because I am letting the situation play itself out and throughout this process I am journeying on a query of introspection...some of the people who tweet back and forth with me on a regular we dont even follow each other but will tweet back and forth all day and night long, just because it is fun for least its fun for me...its very relaxing and on many days a source of comfort...there are no agendas, no hidden purposes, just tweeps having a good time hitting that tweet button...some tweets/tweeps have touched my heart in a very big way...I love passing smiles, art, hugs, jokes, laughter, shoutouts, comments, good's what tweeps call a tweet party...we have a genuine ball...I be crakkin up lol and I learn alot...these are the times that remind me of why I love twitter so much.

Twitter Introspect Part II

I wonder if other tweeps take time off from twitter to search themselves about their twitter experiences...I think it would be cool to interview other tweeps on this issue...for some you can find out how they feel about their tweeting by reading their sites or blogs...some are buzzing about it in their BBM or other chat/online spaces...this past week I listened to a blog radio show which mentioned some of this...but the cool thing is...for many of us, our feelings/dispositions are reflected in our tweets/DMs/blogs/chats/talkshows/ I'm sure mine are also. I have tweeted day and night for months...many of my past blogs speak of my twitter experience, my growth in twitter, the reasons why I tweet the way I do does this one. When I first signed up for twitter, I read through the twitter philosophies and rules...philosophies and rules always strike me and stand out in my mind...I remember it said...follow people who are engaging and active...follow tweeps with whom you have similar interests with or enhance your twitter experience...

The people I follow/tweet enhance my twitter experience to a very large degree. There are many kinds people on twitter. There are some I follow/tweet because I would like to get to know better, there are some that I follow/tweet because they make me smile and laugh when they tweet ALWAYS, some because they teach me things- important things about life,some give me awesome stuff to tweet and/or great ideas for tweeting/blogging, there are a few because they have great/interesting causes, some just to see what it would be like if I followed/tweeted them, some so we could DM each other, a couple I followed/tweeted because they are adding to my experience of discovery, and there are some I follow/tweet because they are bold, shameless, intelligent and non-superficial...I have had many skype conversations with tweeps where we talked about why we do and dont follow or tweet/RT certain tweeps and not others... or we discussed our tweeting and following/follower styles...these conversations have been off the chain. The pool of responses is so diverse. It's encouraging to know how many tweeps are similarly like-minded and others offer a range of perspectives that stimulate my mind and give me something to think about.

One thing I've learned in life...when you are given something to think have to take time out to sit and think about it, watch what people say and what they don't say...In life you have to keep your eyes/mind open at all patient, wait for the truth...the truth isnt always about learning something about someone else...sometimes its learning a truth about this thing called life, trust me you truly need to know both..."Don't [judge or] compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about." ~ unknown..." Sometimes people are placed in your life for you to teach them something, sometimes they are placed in your life so they can teach you a thing or two...and sometimes the teaching and learning is mutual..." The philosophy of the wisest man that ever existed, is mainly derived from the act of introspection." ~ William Godwin

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Reflection of "Dealing With The Adversary" ~ An adaption of Charles C. Finn's "Dont Be Fooled By Me"

Don't be fooled by me. Don't be fooled by the mask I wear. For I wear a thousand masks, masks that I am afraid to take off, and none of them are me. Pretending is an art that's second nature with me, but don't be fooled. I give the impression that I'm secure, that all is sunny and unruffled with me, within me as well as without. But don't believe me...

My surface may seem smooth, but my surface is my mask. Beneath this lies no complacence. Beneath dwells the real me in confusion, in fear and in loneliness. But I hide this. I don't want anybody to know it.

I panic at the thought of my weakness and fear of being exposed.
Thats why I frantically create a mask to hide behind, a nonchalant sophisticated facade, to help me pretend, to shield me from the glance that knows. But such a glance is precisely my salvation, and I know it. That is, if its followed by love. It's the only thing that will assure me of what I can't assure myself. That I am worth something. But I won't tell you this. I don't dare. I'm afraid to.

I'm afraid your glance will not be followed by acceptance and love.
I'm afraid you'll think less of me, that you'll laugh at me and your laugh would kill me. I'm afraid that deep down I'm nothing, that I'm no good, so I play my game, my desperate game with a facade of assurance without, and a trembling child within.

And so begins the parade of masks. And my life becomes a front.
I idly chatter to you in suave tones of surface talk. I tell you everything that is really nothing, and nothing that is really everything, of whats crying within me.
So when I'm going through my routine do not be fooled by what I am saying.
Please listen very carefully and try to hear what I'm not saying, what I'd like to be able to say, what, for survival I NEED to say but what I CAN'T say.

I dislike hiding, honestly...I dislike the superficial game [ I sometimes have to play], the phony game. I'd really like to be genuine and spontaneous and me...and [every once in a while I can, but it is not very often and sometimes this grieves me]... [ Sometimes I wish you would] hold out your hand, even when its the last thing I seem to want.

[Sometimes I think ] you can wipe away from my eyes the blank stare and [spirit of indifference].[Sometimes I think] you can call me into aliveness. Each time you're kind and gentle, and encouraging... each time you try to understand because you really care, my heart begins to grow wings. Very small wings, very feeble wings, but wings. [Imagine my pain each time those wings are clipped...]

[Sometimes I think] with your sensitivity, sympathy, and your power of understanding, you can breathe life into me. [ Imagine my dissapointment when I am met with malice, contempt, and a "jocking of my style" or "theft of my idea" or I see you doing to me what others have done to you...yet I understand you don't even see it and I hold that disappointment inside]

I want you to know how important you are to me, how sometimes you [have taken part in the creation] of a person that is me... [Sometimes] you alone [have broken] down the wall behind which I tremble. [Sometimes you have released] me from my shadow world of panic and uncertainty, from my lonely person. [ and sometimes you have sent me back.]

[I realize it has not been easy] A long conviction of worthlessness builds strongs walls...[ as does stolen ideas, being belittled, and being emtionally strongarmed...] The nearer you approach me, the blinder I strike back. I fight against the very thing I cry out for, but I am told that love is stronger than walls and in this lies my hope. [ Walls that need to be] beat down with firm but gentle hands - for a child is very sensitive.

Who am I you may wonder. I am someone you know very well, for I am every man and every woman you meet. [ Take care not to fool or kid yourself] With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Being Myself on Twitter

*sigh*, yup that’s the first thing that comes to my mind…a sigh. I enjoy the diversity of twitter. But there is something I learned over the past two weeks that has stood out in my mind. Everyone on twitter has a personal tweeting style for a reason. Sometimes that reason is to purge, sometimes it’s to have fun, and sometimes it’s because they have an agenda. I see people tweeting and I think, I wonder how come they tweet like that? I see people stop tweeting and I wonder how come they stopped? I pay close attention to the tweets of people I know and the tweets of people I don’t know…Yes I watch people on twitter and yes, I am sure other people watch me lol. Everyone has twitter moods, some days I feel like tweeting quotes…sometimes info…sometimes shoutouts…some days I want to tweet for others… I have good twitter friends, but something I learned about twitter this past week…you have to be careful that your tweeting experience does not become impure. What do I mean by that? Some people tweet aggressively so they can obtain a certain outcome, e.g. more followers, website traffic, personal/professional exposure, etc… and there is nothing wrong with that. I tweet aggressively sometimes, but typically when I do this I am either conversing…having fun by RTing my favorite tweeps….bored… working through a personal issue…or I’ve found some great info that I think other people might find useful. Impure tweeting to me would be if I was tweeting just so I could draw attention to myself.

Don’t get me wrong, if you tweet a whole lot…you will probably end up drawing some attention from somewhere…and this is ok, but there is a difference between getting the attention because it has come naturally and getting the attention because the attention was your goal. For me the attention was never my goal…my goal was to be able to become comfortable with tweeting and in order to do that I happened to need stuff to tweet. Now that I am at that place, I spend more time being more selective in my tweets not to mention cautious…not exactly sure how or when that transition occurred but throughout my process of learning twitter, I’ve come to realize there are many written and unwritten rules and I try and be mindful and respectful of those rules. I always try and keep in my mind being respectful of the feelings, attitudes and behavior of others, because I too want to be respected. I’ve developed a few meaningful relationships which really mean something to me and I value the content of those tweeters. I’ve somewhat picked up on the art of feeling people out…mind you I haven’t perfected this yet, sometimes I’ve been right, sometimes I’ve been wrong and there are some things where the jury is still out lol. I took a break for a few days because I wanted to sit and think about all that I’ve learned as well as what areas I hope to grow in as both a tweep and as a person, because in the end…I still just want to be able to be myself…People who spend time being other entities besides themselves often lose or become confused about themselves…this is not always a good thing.

“The surest way to fail is to aspire to an idea of perfection that doesn't even exist.” ~ Elizabeth Alraune